julio 17, 2008

Comic Books REVIEWS

Directamente de IGN.COM les traigo esta nueva seccion semanal con las revisiones de los comics mas importantes que salen semana a semana en el gabacho.

Las calificaciones son del 1 al 10 y pues los reviewers de IGN llevan mucho tiempo en esto, en lo personal siempre los reviso semana a semana para ver que es lo que vale la pena.

Para ver todos los reviews (en ingles) vayan directamente a:

Como buen HUEVONAZO no voy a traducir lo que dice simplemente por weba, si no le entienden pues al menos ahi ven que calificacion obtuvo cada comic, y si si le entienden XD pues ahi ya le pueden dar click a los links para ver la resena completa

DC Comics

Batgirl #1
Written by Adam Beechen | Art by Jim Calafiore and Jonathan Glapion
Final Score

Batman and the Outsiders #9
Written by Chuck Dixon | Art by Julian Lopez and Bit
Review Excerpt: "There's no way around it – reading Chuck Dixon's Batman and the Outsiders has become a truly strange and rather frustrating experience. We're all by now fully aware that Dixon was unceremoniously pulled off all his DC titles. Knowing what we know about him as a writer – that he prefers to settle down to tell long, extended soap operas that employ a number of subplots – and that this issue is his last on this title, just what are we supposed to make of it?" - Dan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Birds of Prey #120
Written by Tony Bedard | Art by Nicola Scott and Doug Hazlewood
Review Excerpt: "I'm fairly certain that, at this point, anyone paying close attention would agree that the idea of superhero vs. superhero disagreements that result in brief and harmless fights is completely exhausted and has officially overstayed its welcome. That much is apparent by the way modern writers stretch all plausibility and rationality to come up with new reasons for their favorite heroes to exchange blows every now and then." - Dan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Final Crisis: Rogue's Revenge #1
Written by Geoff Johns | Art by Scott Kolins
Review Excerpt: "As far as Geoff Johns' recent projects go, Final Crisis: Rogues Revenge #1 is a bit of a letdown, an uneven work that shows flairs of Johns' unique and considerable talents but nevertheless fails to establish its story or its place alongside Final Crisis proper. And the book doesn't just fail to answer any questions about Final Crisis's somewhat elusive plot; it also caused me to ask entirely new ones as well, mainly, why Johns and DC chose to slap a Final Crisis banner on a story that's essentially a continuation of the death of Bart Allen. " - Dan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy #1
Written by J.T. Krul | Art by Guillem March
Review Excerpt: "The Joker's Asylum is, for all practical purposes, a miniseries anthology, and as is the case with most anthologies, the individual stories have thus far ranged from strong to downright terrible. This latest issue, which focuses on Poison Ivy, falls somewhere between Jason Aaron's quality yet uneven Penguin story and Arvid Nelson's rather atrocious Joker one-shot." - Dan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Simon Dark #10
Written by Steve Niles and Scott Hampton | Art by Scott Hampton
Review Excerpt: "You may have heard that this little film called The Dark Knight comes out this week. It surprises me to see so few Batman-related books on the stands today. Oh sure, there are the various reprints of older trades trickling out, but you'd think there'd at least be some hackneyed Batman vs. Joker special that costs $5 and offers little to no satisfaction. Marvel had like 37 of those ready to coincide with Incredible Hulk. " - Jesse

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Trinity #7
Written by Kurt Busiek and Fabian Nicieza | Art by Various
Review Excerpt: "Something occurred to me in the moment I first plopped down in my recliner to devour this week's ration of comic books: Trinity is the first DC weekly series that consistently fails to occupy the top spot on the stack of comics I'm genuinely excited to read. In fact, it's dangerously close to falling into the unsavory pile of comics I'm forced to read, due to either work or a general desire/need to follow Marvel or DC's greater universes, entertainment be damned." - Dan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score


Amazing Spider-Man #566
Written by Marc Guggenheim | Art by Phil Jimenez
Review Excerpt: "My sense of relief is palpable at the moment. I really need arcs like this to remind me that Brand New Day isn't a lost cause. I've only sporadically enjoyed past installments, often relying on the art to get me through an otherwise bland story. Three months after Zeb Wells' lone arc wowed me, Marvel finally delivers another story that sells the BND concept. That fun, lovable Spidey we've been waiting for all this time? He's been hiding in Marc Guggenheim's typewriter, apparently." - Jesse

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Captain America #40
Written by Ed Brubaker | Art by Steve Epting
Review Excerpt: "How many writers could successfully pull off a story arc as long and sprawling as Ed Brubaker's "Death of Captain America" opus without suffering a lull in quality or an overall dwindling of fan interest? I've found myself asking this question many times while reading the past handful of Captain America issues, and I'm fairly certain the answer is 'not many.'" - Dan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Foolkiller: Short Time #1
Written by Gregg Hurwitz | Art by Paul Azaceta
Review Excerpt: "If you were to ask me what my favorite mini-series in recent memory are, Foolkiller would definitely be on the list. This MAX series took a forgotten Marvel vigilante, gave him the full Punisher MAX treatment, and put out a product whose quality astounded me. I won't lie. Foolkiller is hardly unique in concept. Comics are chock full of angry, muscular men who get a kick out of punishing the evildoers of the world. The appeal in Foolkiller is all in the execution. Gregg Hurwitz's superb writing is why I loved the original, and it's why I'm already enjoying the follow-up series, White Angels." - Jesse

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Ghost Rider #25
Written by Jason Aaron | Art by Tan Eng Huat
Review Excerpt: "As much as I dislike Ghost Rider these days, I keep giving the series a chance, hoping to finally be rewarded some day. I feel like I should be expecting something more than I'm getting based on Jason Aaron's writing pedigree. Maybe that day will come, maybe it won't. At the very least, issue #25 is a step in the right direction." - Jesse

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Incredible Hercules #119
Written by Fred Van Lente and Greg Pak | Art by Rafa Sandoval
Review Excerpt: "If, like me, you failed to really see much of the "Invasion" so far in Incredible Hercules's "Sacred Invasion," the wait is over. After the reveal last issue, Herc #119 finally gets sufficiently Skrully, and as always, it's a ton of fun along the way. " - Bryan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Iron Man: Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. #31
Written by Stuart Moore | Art by Roberto de la Torre
Review Excerpt: "Iron Man has been vastly underrated for quite some time. The biggest reason it's been underrated for so long is that it's in the same general genre as Captain America. Both combine superhero and espionage elements, but it's completely unfair for any comic to be directly compared to Brubaker's groundbreaking title. Still though, in relative anonymity, the Knaufs have been crafting an engaging storyline that just recently culminated with a showdown with a reintroduced and reinvigorated Mandarin. I consider that climatic arc as one of the best Iron Man stories I've read in years." - Kevin

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Marvel 1985 #3
Written by Mark Millar | Art by Tommy Lee Edwards
Review Excerpt: "On the surface, Marvel 1985 seems to be a project much in the vein of Marvel Zombies where it has one central remit and smaller stories and characters are built up around it to support multiple issues. However, as issue #3 of 1985 proves, Mark Millar has elevated it above the status of mere novelty mini-series/extended What If by adding some intriguing plot elements to the mix." - Bryan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Mighty Avengers #16
Written by Brian Michael Bendis | Art by Khoi Pham
Review Excerpt: "Between the repeated deaths and resurrections, the constantly shifting allegiances, and, you know, being used as the lynchpin for one of the biggest stories Marvel's ever told, it's easy for longtime readers to forget that Elektra Natchios is a certified badass. The latest installment of Mighty Avengers seeks to remind us of that while simultaneously answering most -- but not all -- of the questions stemming from the epic New Avengers #31 reveal." - Bryan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Punisher MAX #59
Written by Garth Ennis | Art by Goran Parlov
Review Excerpt: "Reading the final arc of any great series or run is a very distinct experience, one that inspires a number of very different emotions. It's common and entirely appropriate to feel sadness and regret at seeing a beloved saga come to a close, even as the overall excitement at finding out how the epic ends urges you to read onward to the last page. It is not common or appropriate, however, to experience feelings of immense frustration, which is what I've felt while reading through "Valley Forge, Valley Forge," Garth Ennis' final story arc in his long, brilliant run on Punisher Max." - Dan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

Universal War One #1
Written by Denis Bajram and Paul Benjamin | Art by Denis Bajram
Review Excerpt: "Marvel's most recent French import (do we call it Franime?), Universal War One tells the story of June, the leader of an intergalactic outfit of castaways, as she tries to keep her soldiers in check while investigating a strange intergalactic anomaly, referred to only as "The Wall". Written and drawn by Denis Bajram, the author throws his audience directly into the fire with a fun, at times confusing story, which relies heavily upon its strong premise to offset its fair share of flaws." - Crown

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

X-Factor #33
Written by Peter David | Art by Larry Stroman
Review Excerpt: "To say it's a busy month for the XF Investigations crew would be an understatement. X-Factor begins its Secret Invasion tie-in this month, and simultaneously its crossover with She-Hulk as well as its first formal issue with its new status quo in Detroit. There's a lot going on here to be sure, but one thing that's gone is the unmistakable black cloud of melancholy that's hung over the title for over a year, and this issue benefits greatly from its absence." - Bryan

To read this entire review, click here!

Final Score

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

1...de hueva
2...en ingles? bueno ahi que lea todo esto tu mama...